Minister of Malaysia Speech Using Javanese, Viral on the Internet


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Some time ago, a Malaysian minister caused a stir among netizens. This is because the Johor Chief Minister, Datuk Onn Hafiz Ghazi, used the Javanese language in his official speech before the state parliament.

Onn delivered this speech at the 15th Johor State Assembly meeting on Wednesday, January 11, 2023. The video of his closing speech, which used Javanese, was then uploaded to the Instagram account @viralpressid.

“The kingdom of the country has and will continue to consistently assist the people of Johor, regardless of ethnicity, religion, rank or descent,” he said in excerpts of the speech quoted CNBC IndonesiaMonday (23/1/2023).

We are truly a color blind state then it comes to helping the people of Johor nation,” he added in English.

“Or in another language, with the permission of His Excellency Datuk Chairman. Kito ikhi buto warno. Kabeh podo wae,” he continued, then mixed with Javanese.

This also caused a reaction in the meeting. This was then answered by the chairperson of the session with the statement “speak Javanese to the honorable tu”. This was then returned to Ghazi’s response, saying “I’ll try”.

In fact, he did not only speak Javanese. On the same occasion, he also tried to speak Mandarin and Tamil.

Netizens who saw the video said it was an attempt by the minister to show his respect. Including foreign language skills.

“He is Javanese, not disrespectfully. He said one quote, but translated it into several languages ​​from English, Javanese, Mandarin and Tamil. This actually shows his authority and shrewdness in a foreign language,” said one netizen.

“Yes, because there are really a lot of Javanese descendants there,” said another netizen.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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