BSI University (Bina Sarana Informatika) Solo campus held a Programmer certification test for 5th (Five) semester students majoring in Information Systems, which was carried out offline at BSI University Solo campus on Friday (13/1). This Competency Test aims to get the expected competency predicate, one of which is the Programmer Competency Test Certification.
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SOLO — BSI University (Bina Sarana Informatika) Solo campus held a Programmer certification test for 5th (Five) semester students majoring in Information Systems, which was held offline at BSI University Solo campus on Friday (13/1). This Competency Test aims to get the expected competency predicate, one of which is the Programmer Competency Test Certification.
Head of the Study Program (Prodi) Supriyanta explained that with this programmer competency test it is hoped that BSI University Creative Digital Campus students who graduate will have skills officially recognized by the state.
“Skills by having a certificate of competency, a person will obtain evidence of written recognition and recognition by the State for their competence. This activity is held every semester for students who meet the requirements,” explained Supriyanta in a release statement on Friday (13/1/23).
He also hopes that through this certification activity it is hoped that students will be able to master the field of programmers and get certification from BNSP, so that they can develop graduates and experts who are recognized nationally in their fields.
Meanwhile, Fabryan Fandi Dwi Imaniawan who is a BSI University lecturer and one of the BSI LSP Assessors who already has certification as an assessor from BNSP (National Professional Certification Agency) said the competency test was carried out in several stages.
“The competency test is carried out in several stages including written tests, interviews and observations of case studies of 9 (nine) predetermined competency units,” he said.